Awakened Spirit

Sign up for my transformational twelve-week program and experience the life that you know you deserve to live.

You are here because you are ready to shape your life to reflect your true identity instead of allowing yourself to be shaped by the illusions of the world.

You are exhausted from drifting through life, disconnected from meaning and held back from your full potential.

The time has come for you to pursue a life aligned with your core values, truest desires, and authentic self. 


Are you prepared to step out of the haze and into the life you crave?

Does this sound like you?

You are experiencing a prolonged season of aimlessness and detachment.


You feel isolated and disconnected from the world around you. Depression and anxiety are constant companions on your journey.


A recent crisis has disturbed your stasis, and you are unable to shake the deep sense of emptiness that looms within you.

Your life feels inauthentic, as though the identity you have built doesn’t reflect who you truly are.


You are asking thoughtful and challenging questions about the nature of life and how you fit in.


You are identifying unwanted patterns and habits that hold you back. You desire to heal from your pain.

You've made it to the right place!

I understand how overwhelming these questions feel, and I am thrilled to share

Awakened Spirit

Awakened Spirit is a modern approach to releasing the limiting beliefs that trap us in destructive paradigms of thinking while creating space to identify our core values and embrace our true purpose.


Awakened Spirit is a twelve-week program that will equip you with the tools to look upon yourself and the world around you with greater love and compassion while investing in habits and patterns of thought that will lead you into unity with your most authentic self.



The Awakened Spirit Experience

Individualized one-on-one coaching sessions in which we design strategies that will work for you and overcome the unique obstacles to your vision for your life.

Group coaching where you can engage with others on similar paths and in which you can discover a community of support.

A twelve-week curriculum that includes in-depth, pre-recorded content that you can engage with at your own pace.

Access to the program’s social media communities where you can continue to cultivate relationships and systems of support with those on journeys like yours.


An open invitation to engage with me during regular business hours for added support and guidance throughout the twelve-week program.

Together, we will…

Reconnect you to your core identity


I will lead you inward on an exploration of your values and systems of belief, so that you may discover and shed ideas that no longer reflect your core identity and investigate what perspectives align with the path you want to pursue.


Release what no longer serves you


I will guide you through a series of practical and effective exercises that will heal lingering wounds and unravel limiting patterns of thought. We will get to the root of emotional blocks and incongruent beliefs, lifting the fog and inviting clarity that will align you with your true and authentic self.


Design a lasting journey of peace and harmony


I will equip you with tools to invest in yourself and work with you to design a path that leads you into a life filled with purpose and harmony. Experience the fullness of your power and discover how to move towards your ultimate potential.

Transform your life right where you are - Transform your life once and for all.

I have designed Awakened Spirit to be a digital experience so that I can serve and support you wherever you are. Whether you prefer the comfort of your couch or the convenience of your local coffee shop, you can access the program’s material anywhere you can access the internet.


To accommodate you further, I record and post the weekly group coaching sessions to a private portal, so you need not worry about missing a beat if life gets in the way.


  • You struggle to pull yourself out of bed, devoid of a purpose that moves you forward.
  • You wander from day to day, each one bleeding into the last in a haze that feels inescapable.
  • The pain of old wounds continues to afflict and limit you, manifesting as unwanted habits, sometimes even as addictions.
  • The person you present to your loved ones feels inauthentic, almost like a mask you wear.
  • You crave more for yourself, but you struggle to put your finger on what “more” means to you.
  • Anxiety and depression are your most constant companions, and you regularly feel yourself wrestling with despair.


  • You wake up eager and energised to step into your life, pursue your goals, and fulfil your purpose.
  • Each new day feels focused, balanced, and abundant with life.
  • You discover true healing that acknowledges the pain of your past but leads you into an embrace with a future of prosperity and peace.
  • You bring the fullness of your true self into each relationship you enjoy, confident in who you are and secure in the things you believe.
  • The life you lead is congruent with the dreams you have for yourself, and what once was a sense of longing has been replaced with gratitude for all you have.
  • You acknowledge your worth and acquire tools to remain present, having released those things you have no control over.
  • The people you meet along your path no longer present an obstacle to your journey, and you look upon them and the world around you with more profound love and compassion.
  • You develop a keen intuition and sense of security that support your pursuit of answers to the new questions that arise throughout your life.

Embrace the life you know you deserve. Experience transformational results.

Release the trauma of your past, painful memories, emotional blockages, self-defeating ideas, and your deepest fears.

Find the confidence in yourself that eludes you. Discover the power you already have to make your dreams into your reality.

Attune yourself to the place in the world you most desire to be, manifesting the vision you create for yourself.

End the cycle of wandering and surviving and turn towards a life of pursuing and thriving.

Consider the stories of others who were once where you are now:

“My breakthrough day with Carla was absolutely magical! I chose to work with her on abundance and my relationship with money overall, and I left completely transformed in the most amazing ways! I healed so many super old limiting beliefs and tendencies that were keeping me stuck and up-levelled to this new version of me who values truly match my big dreams in life! Thank you so much, Carla, for creating such a life-changing experience for me. This will forever be one of my most favourite days in life FOR REAL!!! If you have been thinking about making a shift in your life, definitely sign up for a breakthrough day with Carla! It will be the most fabulous, unforgettable experience!!!”

Amy Moore, Mindset + Business Coach

Highly recommended! One of the greatest healers I’ve ever encountered. Carla Fernandes! I have worked with Carla doing reiki, Hypnotherapy & NLP, TIME technique, crystal healing, chakra alignment and other modalities and she has helped me come a long way in a short period of time. I’ve eliminated root causes of trauma, PTSD, depression and anxiety and no exaggeration…Carla has changed my life.  Whatever is going on in your life, Carla has the answers…I believe she was born to do this!

Rob Forrester

I had the pleasure of experiencing a Breakthrough Day with Carla and I loved it!  Carla was kind, open and loving.  She took me through a wonderful journey of finding and releasing limiting beliefs around my business.   The very next day, I began taking actions without any hesitation, as if I had been taking these actions all my life.  If you are looking for results, for someone who is full of knowledge, that will stand by you to make sure you get those results, then Carla is the one you are looking for.  You’ll be grateful that you took the leap!

~Diane Kristina Pascos, Emotional Freedom Coach

Carla Fernades has helped me see what I couldn’t see on my own. I tried several modalities of energy work and talk therapy to heal me from what I now know was deeply rooted within my subconscious.

Her services are very layered and tactile, and I felt I was in the driver seat within a safe and secure space and a clear path of how and where things were progressing.

I was so skeptical about these services only because I tried so many others that only helped me in the short-term.

Each visit I had with Carla gave me insights into how I was moving along only to realize that things were truly changing for me. If you are ready to do your work with a knowledgeable, loving, and caring coach, Carla is the one for the job. I know I don’t have to go back to do more work on the things that we cleared out; however, I would go back simply because I know she can lend herself in any way she can. Thank you, Carla!!

Loredana Bruno, Yoga Educator

Carla is an intuitive personal mindset coach and empowering transformational wonder woman. 

I was struggling with an underlying sense of sadness from overworking my entrepreneurial hyper vigilante self to a state of adrenal fatigue. Resulting in a rollercoaster of depression and weight gain. Carla guided and supported me to important historical timeline points with a focus on releasing specific negative emotions that rippled to the present day. Bringing back a subconscious balance to my mind, heart and body. We also worked through hypnotherapy with a clearly defined focus that successfully deleted sugar from my lifestyle. Bringing me back on track with my health and well-being again.

Much gratitude! It is a pleasure and relief to find a mindset coach that gets me and knows how to holistically work with me. Love you, Carla!

Viktoria Kalenteris, Intimacy & Relationship Specialist 

Just imagine…

  • Waking up each day enthusiastic about the path that lies ahead of you and eager to continue your journey upon it.
  • Freedom from the anxiety that turns you towards destructive patterns and the peace that comes with healing old wounds.
  • Loving every bit of who you are and the satisfaction of crafting an identity aligned with your purpose.
  • The peace that comes with releasing those things that no longer serve you and the pleasure of cultivating a life abundant with peace, love, and joy.



So, what are you waiting for?

You can choose to wait some more and continue to endure the aimlessness and anguish that brought you here. But you deserve better, and you know it.


Now is your moment to step out of the fog through which you wander and claim the life you know you deserve.


You’ve made it this far. There has never been a better time to invest in yourself. End the cycle of uncertainty that obstructs your life. Apply for Awakened Spirit today!


This is for you if:

  • You are fed up with settling for less and are prepared to step towards the future you deserve.
  • You are willing to open yourself to new and challenging ideas and experiences.
  • You can embrace hard and vulnerable work with a gentle and compassionate attitude.
  • You can accept critical feedback and welcome thoughtful, unexpected perspectives

This is wrong for you if:

  • You are looking for a sounding board with whom you can complain and make excuses.
  • You are inflexible in your perspectives and unwilling to release limiting patterns of thought.
  • You are looking for a quick-and-easy solution to your problems.
  • You are closed-off to outside input and hostile to experiences that are different than yours.



What distinguishes Awakened Spirit from other programs?

There is no shortage of self-help programs designed to motivate you for a few weeks with a new perspective and periodic encouragement. Many offer to heal broken hearts or bring peace to troubled spirits.


But Awakened Spirit is not a self-help course. Awakened Spirit is a guided journey to complete transformation. In Awakened Spirit, I lead you through a holistic approach to healing and growth that acknowledges the needs of your mind, heart, soul, and physical body, as well as the places they intersect. No element is entirely separate from the others, and to overlook any one of them is to neglect them all. In Awakened Spirit, we nurture and nourish the whole of you so that you walk away transformed and empowered.


Take your first step towards complete transformation. Apply for Awakened Spirit today.

I designed Awakened Spirit for individuals ready to shed the limiting thoughts, patterns, and beliefs that have kept them from a full and prosperous future and are prepared to step out in courage into a life that serves them.


I am a Holistic Mindset & Empowerment Coach devoted to helping others overcome the mental and emotional blocks that limit their joy and the pursuit of their passions.

I am the co-author of an Amazon best-selling book titled You Have So Much Potential. I am a Certified Trainer & Master Practitioner of Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Life & Success Coaching, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), TIME Techniques, Clinical Hypnosis, Reiki, and Crystal Healing.

I support individuals in releasing stubborn, negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, and limiting beliefs. I guide my clients towards a state of mind better aligned with their true and authentic selves, and I provide a structure that clarifies my clients’ goals and develops a focused plan that will fulfill their deepest dreams and desires.

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