Everybody has experienced moments in life when they feel stuck in a rut. We are aware of what we want to accomplish, but unable to figure out how to get past the difficulties of everyday life. The biggest challenges may seem to be things like time, money, work, or relationships. However, in reality, your mind is usually your largest and most challenging obstacle.
Remember that your life may become more fulfilling and enjoyable if you are able to open your mind to the possibilities of new experiences, opportunities, information, adventures, and even relationships.
Below we have put together a short yet informative guide on how to open your mind…
Understand yourself and your barriers
Are your own negative thoughts limiting you? Do you have self-doubt that you’re not good enough, smart enough, too old or young, not experienced enough, or that you simply “won’t be able to do it”?
If that is the case, you must understand that your only barrier is YOU. Remember – Great things don’t come from comfort zones!
Understand & Accept the Journey.
The first step of improving is acceptance. Accept who you are and recognise that you need to work towards your goals before you achieve them! Once this step is complete, you will then begin to value all parts of who you are. Resulting in more motivation and an overall better mindset.
Remove Negative Talk
Cut out the negative talk! If you constantly criticise yourself, you will never grow, learn or accept your life. You will never reach your true potential if you are unable to develop a positive mindset. You will always be limited by phrases such as, “I can’t do that,” “I’m not good at that,” or “I’ll never have that”.
Boost your Motivation
A reluctant mind is often due to low motivation. Our advice to you, is to get up earlier, read inspirational books, and surround yourself with positive people who cheer you on! Try to stay away from those who negatively impact your motivation. This includes family, friends and even people in the media.
You’ll Never Know Until You Try
What’s stopping you from learning a new language, training for a marathon, trying out a new sport or being who you truly want to be? Are you afraid that you won’t be able to do it? Frightened of the future? Well, you will never know until you try! Opening your mind to new ideas means trying new things, even if you have to work for it, save up for it, or make some minor sacrifices. Don’t apologise; just make it happen!
Manifest Your Goals
Consider the person you wish to be. If you can’t clearly understand what you’re going towards, it’s difficult to open your mind to new possibilities. What does your dream life contain that your present one does not? Imagine your personal goals, and focus on the desired outcome, every single day!
Understand the world around you
This may sound easy, but you must be open to the world around you. Find inspiration and motivation from new aspects of life. Ones which you have never explored before. Visit new places, talk to more people, read about a different culture. If you are unaware of the opportunities you may have, you will simply never be able to achieve them!
Interested in learning more about how you can open your mind and change for the better? Get in touch now at connect@awakenharmony.ca
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